'The Kashmir Files' - The Reality

The movie "The Kashmir Files" casted limelight on one of the most violet and brutal part of Indian history. The movie got everyone talking about the inhumane treatment the Kashmiri Pandits received from Islamic Militants. 
History has told us time and again how one event doesn't cause such big mishaps like World Wars or in this case the exodus. A lot of factors contribute to such mishaps. So many factors create this ticking time bomb effect and finally it is one event that acts as the trigger to the bomb rather than the solitude event being the sole reason for such adversity. Kashmir was a ticking time bomb too before the mass exodus happened. But what exactly created this time bomb effect for Kashmir let us understand. 


The history of Kashmir is so complex that not even a book can explain it let alone a movie , blog or a video but the bomb was getting ready to explode by 1990.
In 1982 Kashmir's leader Sheikh Abdullah passes away and his son Farooq Abdullah takes charge of National Conference Party and wins the election in 1983 but the Central Government divide National Conference and place a puppet CM in Ghulam Mohammad Shah. As a consequence of this reason the political instability increases in Jammu and Kashmir and Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (Militant Group) increases it's presence in Kashmir. In 1986 Rajiv Gandhi Regime opens locks to Babri Masjid and allows Hindus to enter the mosque. Due to this the polarization increases and the militant groups get their golden opportunity to divide the people and start attacking the Hindu temples , houses and shops. In 1986 the central government reinstalled Farooq Abdullah as the CM of J&K.
In 1987 the election which took place in Kashmir was completely and openly rigged which shook the faith of Kashmiri People in democracy. This led the youth to get angry and join militant groups. In 1989 JKLF kidnapped Mufti Mohammad Sayeed's daughter and militants were released for abducted daughter.
Had the VP Singh led government not comprised so much , maybe such dark days would've never arrived.

Beginning of violence: 

The minorities in this case Hindus were targeted. BJP leader Tika Lal Taploo , Retired Judge Neelkanth Ganjoo , Journalist - lawyer PremNath Bhat were assassinated.

 With such high profile assassination the atmosphere of fear was inevitable in the valley. To make matters worse there was a warning issued in newspaper demanding Kashmiri Pandits to leave the valley. (although some sources say this happened in March after the exodus and not before the exodus). The Government couldn't handle the situation of fear and terror. On the night of 19th Jan 1990 , Farooq Abdullah government was dissolved and governor rule was imposed. The militant groups started playing anti Hindu and Pro Paakistani slogans on mosque loudspeakers and the Hindu Pandits decided it's better to leave as no one sort after them to protect them from the gruelling and horrifying events.
On 20th Jan 1990 , first group of Kashmiri Pandits left the valley. 
On 21st Jan 1990 , CRPF killed over 50 Kashmiri "Muslim" protestors on Gawkadal Bridge - the worst massacre in the history of Kashmiri.

The Exodus:

The events of 20th Jan and 21st Jan aggravated the situation beyond thinkable. 
According to Kashmiri Pandit Sangarash Samiti (KPSS) 70,000 left between 1990-1992 , the migration continued until 2000. 
As per KPSS 400 Pandits were killer between 1990 and 2011. 
The question till date asked why wasn't protection given to the pandits.
The then governor of J&K Jagmohan was asked the question and he himself asked the pandits to leave the valley and provided them a safe passage.
Rumour has it that Pandits were cleared out so that the army could open fire in the valley.
Had the officials taken right steps and provided protection maybe this dark period would've never arrived. Government officials who didn't feel safe were allowed to leave the valley and they would get their salary irrespective.
Refugee camps were set up and the government said to go to the refugee camps for protection rather than at the valley itself.

Community in Exile:

The pandits hoped to return to their home , but they never got the opportunity and it has been 32 years since. They migrated to other cities and places of India , taking any job which they could get to sustain themselves.
The hope of returning is still a distant dream.
Houses of Pandits were captured or sold for cheap.

In August 2019 when Article 370 was scrapped the migrant Pandits celebrated thinking they got at least some justice. The reality was something else for the Pandits who refused to leave and stayed in the valley itself. They didn't get any help or financial assistance. Sanjau Tickoo , President od KPSS fastes unto death in 202 because he wanted to be heard by the government. The non migrant Pandits are still neglected till date and scrapping Article 370 and COVID made the already miserable situation more woeful.

The Movie: 

Ask yourself a simple question. 
From where is it did you learn about Indian Independence? Was it a movie or was it from books? Obviously it was from books.
Now to see a historic event through the lens of cinema is quite harmful especially in this scenario as it can bend and twist facts , shows you only one particular POV rather than the whole scenario , can be weaponized to project hatred all of which The Kashmir Files movie is guilty of doing. 
Countless videos surfaced on the internet of how people were giving hate speeches towards Muslims at the end of the film. Did any of the star cast , director or producer come forth and condemn such actions? Let alone audience giving hate speech, the movie itself includes hate speeches to brainwash. Such dialogues which are given in the movie if it is given in public is offensive according to Indian Penel Code.

The movie simply hijacks your limbic system and invokes in you the emotion of hatred. 
Rather than empathizing with the Pandits you would come out feeling agonised about every Muslim. Gawkadal Bridge incident wasn't shown nor were Muslims who got killed by army during "search" for weapons neither were the Muslims trying to help the Pandits were shown. It was generalised how Muslims can target Hindus anyways. We shall not forget it was done by Muslim militants and not just any normal Muslims. Generalising every Muslim as militant is the same idea of how your class got defamed just because of one or two guys from your class. You would ask why should you believe my words and blog? Well don't , I myself would suggest and highly encourage you to yourself read from books about the exodus and the history of Kashmir.


Communal Riots are at it's peak due to the worsening economic and job situation in the country (about which I've spoken in this blog NATIONWIDE LOCKDOWN HAS LED A DENT ON ECONOMY ) .
Surprisingly it was Punjab and Bengal which suffered the wrath of Hindu-Muslim divide during partition but these two states are the states where religion polarisation didn't work at all , but the rest of India which didn't see the terrifying events to such extent are the victims of the religion polarisation.
The jobless poor are angry and full of energy who are easily brainwashed by the politicians who give polarising speech based on religion. 
Do you think Mohammad Shami and Rohit Sharma will start fighting because of religion ? 
Obviously not. 
Rather than doing the needful and constructive work we are creating self made problems to deviate attention from the actual problems.


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