French Election 2022 Explained.

On 24th April 2022 , the French Presidential Election culminated with Emmanuel Macron winning the election against Far Right candidate Marie Le Pen in a repeat of 2017 run off election. Macron became only President in two decades to be re-elected and set for a second term as the President of France.

                          (Emmanuel Macron)

How does the French Presidential Elections Work? 

The election is conducted in two rounds.
In round one all candidates participate for the Presidential Elections but only the top 2 get qualified for the second round also known as the run off. 
In the first round which was held on 12th April as expected Emmanuel Macron and Marie Le Pen came 1st and 2nd respectively going toe to toe yet again after 2017. 

In Run Off or the Second Round the two standing candidates try to convince the voters of candidates who are no longer in the running to vote for them. In 2017 Macron won 66% votes to Marie Le Pen's 33%. 
This time around it was expected to be much more closer than in 2017. Here's why.

Case for Emmanuel Macron: 

The cost of living has significantly gone up and although the economy of France has grown the people feel their wallets are getting emptier.
Many critics call Macron as the 'President of the Rich'. In Macron's defence many pointed out how Macron had an odd situation of handling Yellow Protest of France , COVID and then the War in Ukraine. Macron didn't start his campaign for Round 1 until a fortnight ago and many pointed out to this as how far he is from the French mass but in his defence he was busy with the Ukraine - Russia conflict with one of the only remaining leaders to be in talks with Vladimir Putin to put an end to the war. 

Case for Marie Le Pen: 

Marie Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen who started the party National Front which Marie Le Pen represents. Jean Marie Le Pen was much more right wing than Marie Le Pen and made many Islamophobic comments. To save the image of the party Marie Le Pen herself outcasted her father from the party in 2015. 

                            (Jean Marie Le Pen)

The ideologies of Marie were simple as you would expect from a Far Right Party. 
i) Ban Hijab from Public places 
ii) US and EU sceptic 
iii) Ties with Kremlin (Rusian Parliament) 
Opposite to what Macron had to offer.

                                 ( Marie Le Pen)

Did Far Right get it Right? 

In France Far Right is hated as it is against the French Political views. But this time around in the build up to 2022 election Marie Le Pen softened her image by making more public appearances and taking images with people and talking about herself as single mother to her cats. The Far Right did get 41% votes this time the closest Far Right has ever come in France.

24th April : 

The D - Day with Emmanuel Macron and Marie Le Pen set to lock horns for the President seat many voters were pessimistic about both of them. It was estimated that voter abstention will play a huge role in the election result as many people didn't want neither Macron nor Le Pen. This year voter abstention was 28% up from 2017's 2.5%. Emmanuel Macron came out om top with 58% this year to Marie Le Pen's 42%. 

How does the French Election affect the World?

The World leaders especially US and European Union breathed a sigh of relief when Macron was declared as the President of the Nation. 
For the reason that Marie Le Pen wanted to pull out or at least lessen the significance of France in EU. France is the second strongest economy and has the strongest army in the EU and it would've been a cause of concern if Le Pen would've won the election. Le Pen's deep connections with the Kremlin was also a reason of worry. 

The Future:

The Parliamentary Election (equivalent to General Lok Sabha Election in India) takes place on 12th June , 6 weeks later. 
Although Macron defended his seat of Presidency , it is still a bitter sweet victory with the Far Right looming to form a majority in the parliamentary elections which would be worrying for Macron because then he will have a fragmented Government. 
The powers and functions of President and Prime Minister are equivalent to those of President and Prime Minister of India, albeit the fact that Indian Presidents are never to be seen in public or in any talks. 

Shall Macrons party La République En Marche form majority again he will be in full power. 
La République En Marche won 312 seats out of 577 in 2017 whereas Le Pen's National Front won only 8 seats. This could well change this time with a lot of uncertainty around the Macron and the world alike can breathe a sign of relief for the moment being.


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